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pydantic-argparse provides functionality for variadic arguments. A variadic argument is a command-line argument that is followed by one or more values. For example: --variadic a b c or --variadic 1 2 3 4 5 6.

This section covers the following standard argparse argument functionality:

parser.add_argument("--variadic", nargs="+")


The intended usage of variadic arguments is to capture multiple values for an argument. For example:

$ python3 --files a.txt b.txt c.txt
for file in args.files:
    # We can iterate through all of the values provided by the user

Container Types

Variadic arguments can be created by adding a pydantic Field with any type that is a type. For example:

  • list[T]
  • tuple[T]
  • set[T]
  • frozenset[T]
  • deque[T]

There are different kinds of container variadic arguments, which are outlined below.


A required container variadic argument is defined as follows:

class Arguments(BaseModel):
    # Required Container Argument
    # Note: `list[int]` is just an example, any container type could be used
    arg: list[int] = Field(description="this is a required variadic argument")

This Arguments model generates the following command-line interface:

$ python3 --help
usage: [-h] --arg ARG [ARG ...]

required arguments:
  --arg ARG [ARG ...]  this is a required variadic argument

  -h, --help           show this help message and exit


  • Providing an argument of --arg 1 will set args.arg to [1].
  • Providing an argument of --arg 1 2 3 will set args.arg to [1, 2, 3].
  • This argument cannot be omitted.

Optional (Default None)

An optional container variadic argument with a default of None is defined as follows:

class Arguments(BaseModel):
    # Optional Container Argument
    # Note: `list[int]` is just an example, any container type could be used
    arg: Optional[list[int]] = Field(description="this is an optional variadic argument")

This Arguments model generates the following command-line interface:

$ python3 --help
usage: [-h] [--arg ARG [ARG ...]]

optional arguments:
  --arg ARG [ARG ...]  this is a required variadic argument (default: None)

  -h, --help           show this help message and exit


  • Providing an argument of --arg 1 will set args.arg to [1].
  • Providing an argument of --arg 1 2 3 will set args.arg to [1, 2, 3].
  • Omitting this argument will set args.arg to None (the default).

Optional (Default Value)

An optional container variadic argument with a constant default value is defined as follows:

class Arguments(BaseModel):
    # Optional Container Argument
    # Note: `list[int]` is just an example, any container type could be used
    arg: list[int] = Field([4, 5, 6], description="this is an optional variadic argument")

This Arguments model generates the following command-line interface:

$ python3 --help
usage: [-h] [--arg ARG [ARG ...]]

optional arguments:
  --arg ARG [ARG ...]  this is an optional variadic argument (default: [4, 5, 6])

  -h, --help           show this help message and exit


  • Providing an argument of --arg 1 will set args.arg to [1].
  • Providing an argument of --arg 1 2 3 will set args.arg to [1, 2, 3].
  • Omitting this argument will set args.arg to [4, 5, 6] (the default).