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Types Utility Functions for Declarative Typed Argument Parsing.

The types module contains a utility function used for determining and comparing the types of `pydantic fields.

is_field_a(field, types)

Checks whether the subject is any of the supplied types.

The checks are performed as follows:

  1. field is one of the types
  2. field is an instance of one of the types
  3. field is a subclass of one of the types

If any of these conditions are True, then the function returns True, else False.


Name Type Description Default
field pydantic.fields.ModelField

Subject field to check type of.

types Union[Any, Tuple[Any, ...]]

Type(s) to compare field against.



Type Description

Whether the field is considered one of the types.

Source code in pydantic_argparse/utils/
def is_field_a(
    field: pydantic.fields.ModelField,
    types: Union[Any, Tuple[Any, ...]],
) -> bool:
    """Checks whether the subject *is* any of the supplied types.

    The checks are performed as follows:

    1. `field` *is* one of the `types`
    2. `field` *is an instance* of one of the `types`
    3. `field` *is a subclass* of one of the `types`

    If any of these conditions are `True`, then the function returns `True`,
    else `False`.

        field (pydantic.fields.ModelField): Subject field to check type of.
        types (Union[Any, Tuple[Any, ...]]): Type(s) to compare field against.

        bool: Whether the field *is* considered one of the types.
    # Create tuple if only one type was provided
    if not isinstance(types, tuple):
        types = (types,)

    # Get field type, or origin if applicable
    field_type = get_origin(field.outer_type_) or field.outer_type_

    # Check `isinstance` and `issubclass` validity
    # In order for `isinstance` and `issubclass` to be valid, all arguments
    # should be instances of `type`, otherwise `TypeError` *may* be raised.
    is_valid = all(isinstance(t, type) for t in (*types, field_type))

    # Perform checks and return
    return (
        field_type in types
        or (is_valid and isinstance(field_type, types))
        or (is_valid and issubclass(field_type, types))